Help! My sales letter is not converting…

Help! My sales letter is not converting…

Today, I’ll go over 4 questions you can go through which will help you determine how you can maximize conversations with your sales copy. Great, so ask yourself these questions: 1) Did I pull them in? If you’re not grabbing their attention and pulling them into your...
My stupid sales letter won’t sell

My stupid sales letter won’t sell

All right, so you’ve finally got a sales letter done, whether you wrote it or you got a copywriter to do it for you. But there’s just one problem – it’s not selling. People come to me all the time with sales letters that are not converting. So, I want to provide...
The vital ingredients of a winning sales copy

The vital ingredients of a winning sales copy

I’ve written sales copy for a whole range of brands online. One did $50K in 1 week and many others have hit the $30K mark within 48 hours. So what makes these bad boys bring home the bacon while other ones languish on the side lines? Well, there are a few key...
Why your sales copy isn’t selling

Why your sales copy isn’t selling

Okay, so your sales copy is ready. You’ve successfully launched it. You’ve started driving traffic to it. But there’s just one problem. It isn’t working. It’s not converting. It’s not selling. What do you do? Why aren’t people buying from you? As a direct response...