After the headline, the following most important section of your sales copy when it comes to the success of your sales message is the opening.

Some people also refer to the opening as the lead and it’s the copy that immediately follows the headline.

The actual opening of the sales letter, so to speak.

Playing around with varying openings after the headline can make a noticeable difference to your conversion rates.

Today, I want to present to you some proven openings that work and which you can try out in your sales copy.

1) If you’re anything like me…

This opening builds rapport and develops a connection straight away.

It practically breaks down any barrier between the reader and yourself because it creates the “arm around the shoulder” feel.

It’s as if you two are in this together and it’s a brilliant way to easily get that essential trust building up right away.

Because remember, in order for people to buy from you they have to trust you first.

And using this opening helps you begin to achieve just that right at the very beginning of your sales letter.

2) As you know…

This is a fantastic opening when it comes to getting into rapport.

It gives the reader the information they already know.

And it’s also a subtle way in which you can establish a “position” in the reader’s mind.

A position from where you develop your sales argument.

3) Have you ever wished…

This opening is excellent for getting past natural sales resistance people experience.

Essentially, it allows you to deliver your promise in a powerful yet disarming way.

For example: Have you ever wished you had the knowledge that would allow you to cash in $10,000 cheques per month as well?

4) If then…

The “if then” opening is a classic.

This one can be adapted to suit any situation.

I’ve seen this type of opening used repeatedly over the years with great success.

Here’s an example of what it sounds like:

“If you want to generate 100%+ returns with little downside risk on your trades, and even receive dividends for as long as you hold your trades… then this will be the most important message you’ll read today…”

5) What if…

This specific opening is awesome for recommending a promise or benefit right from the start.

You could say something along the lines of…

“What if you could earn a 6 figure annual salary while working less than part-time hours from the comfort of your home?”

All right, that’s it for today – I hope these openings will help you out with increasing conversions with your copy.