So, over the years looking at, reading, studying, breaking down, writing and getting sales copies tested.

I’ve seen a lot of what works and what doesn’t.

The simple reality is that most of them have lethal errors that significantly diminish or destroy the sales letters’ response rate.

In this video, I’ll be pointing out some of them.

This will help you become aware of things which may be harming your conversion rate.

So, let’s jump right into them.

1) Poor headlines

The success of your copy highly depends on the headline.

I can’t stress this enough.

You should be spending the bulk of your time here, when it comes to the actual writing of your copy.

The bulk of your overall time is always spent on research that comes before you start writing.

Yet, people spend the bulk of their time focused on writing the rest of the copy – while just putting a headline there.

Dedicate the time to getting the headline right – it’s the most important part of the entire sales letter.

No one will read anything else if the headline fails to grab their attention.

You want to ensure you include some key concepts in your headline that can make it sell.

Things like big promise, safe and easy solution, explaining your unique selling proposition.

2) Focusing about your product or yourself

This is an easy trap to fall into and it immediately makes your sales pitch incredibly weak.

People are greedy.

They only care about themselves.

So, you focus on THEM – not on yourself.

Only by doing that can you hope they will eventually part their money for something they hope will benefit – THEM.

Always ask yourself this question: “what’s in it for them?”

Do they care about the complex mathematical details behind this betting strategy?

Or do they care about how this betting strategy will earn them an additional $2,000 per month by spending 10 minutes placing bets per day?

3) Confusion

If you have a pitch that confuses people, you will simply lose them.

Don’t assume that if your pitch makes total sense to you.

That it will make total sense to everybody else.

A good rule of thumb is to make it your pitch stupid simple to understand.

No complex language.

Keep it simple, keep it effective.

4) Your offer is weak

Truth be told that most offers, just really aren’t very compelling.

At best, they’re wishy washy.

What can you do to make your offer more attractive?

You can add in some cool bonuses.

You can add in some massive risk reversal – for example, a double your money back if it doesn’t work for you.

5) Failing to hit the emotional buttons

Write up a sales letter that sounds dull and based on fact or logic.

A sales letter that’s not hitting the correct emotional triggers of your market.

And no wonder your sales letter ain’t converting.

People purchase your product or service to achieve an emotional experience.

What experience is it they are seeking?

Ask yourself that question and then play on it throughout your copy.

6) It’s too hard to read

People want things easy.

They generally hate having to exert any fraction of effort or work.

So, in line with this – you want to make your copy easy to read.

If your copy is difficult to read, people will punish you by not buying.

I see so many sales letters that are made of chunks of text in the form of long paragraphs and sentences.

Always keep your sentence readable in one breath.

If you can’t read your whole sentence without having to stop to breathe, then you need to cut down.

Also, don’t write big paragraphs.

Break up the text and make things flow.

Leave plenty of white space on your landing page.

All of these things make it easier for your reader to consume your message and ultimately, hit that buy button.

All right, this video’s getting long now.

If you’d like my help with crafting high-converting sales copy, feel free to contact me and let me know.