If you want your sales messages to convert into a bunch of cash.
Then you really have to dig deep down and find out exactly what your market wants.
Sure, you may think you know.
But so many marketers actually do not know what their market truly wants.
They’re clueless.
Truth is you need to put your detective glasses on and get to work to find out those deep emotional triggers that reflect your market’s desires.
For example, in the financial niche – the typical customer avatar is male, at quite an advanced age who wants nothing more than to retire.
Let’s call him Grandpa Joe.
So, Grandpa Joe is quite old but doesn’t have a lot of money.
He doesn’t necessarily want to retire on some beach sipping cocktails all day long. He just wants to retire comfortably.
What Grandpa Joe wants is not leaving his wife with debt. Or growing old and being a burden on his kids as he doesn’t afford his own healthcare.
Shame. Growing old and retiring with nothing to show for 40+ years working and toiling away.
Notice how I’ve mentioned shame in this case.
Usually, there is a really strong emotional need (or more than one) that you market wants to fulfill.
Here are some you want to consider.
One or two or more of them are very likely to apply to your specific market as well:
Things like greed, comfort, freedom.
Sex, love and intimacy.
Health, self-improvement and pleasure.
Fear. Respect.
More specifically, people want more comfort and leisure.
They tend to desire popularity and experiencing that pride of accomplishment.
Increased enjoyment.
Social advancement.
Improved appearance.
Security in old age.
You want to tailor your copy around the specific, key trigger emotions that apply to your market.
And when you do?
You should see an evident increase in your conversions.
And if you find this entire process too tedious and unlike Grandpa Joe who just wants to retire comfortably.
You’d prefer to sit on a beach sipping a couple of Pina Coladas.
If you’d like my personal help with crafting high-converting sales copy, feel free to contact me and let me know.