When you are advertising your product.
The questions I’ll be going into in this video are an absolute must for you to answer.
IF what you want through your ads is more sales.
So, let’s go into them.
1) Why should I believe you?
Talk about your authority here.
Show some proof in the form of testimonials.
You could show your product working.
You want to assume that your reader does not believe you at all.
Most online buyers are skeptical of everything.
You need to make them believe.
And if you don’t, well your sales will struggle.
2) Why are you doing this?
Your reader needs to know why you are selling.
And it better be a reason outside of you just wanting to make money.
The reader needs to know you want them to succeed.
That you are on their side.
It’s best to establish this early on, highlighting how you are on your customer’ side.
3) Why should I act now?
People never want to do something today that could be done tomorrow.
So, if you don’t give people a reason to act now – they will procrastinate on and on.
To prevent this, you want to give a reason why the person should take action now.
Try to make this believable.
Some products naturally lend themselves to scarcity, just like coaching programs do.
It could also be that your price is going up soon and if they want to get a better price, they should get on your product now.
All of these approaches can work.