I’m going to go over three quick, simple tips which you can implement right away to increase your sales…
1 – Create a meaningful connection right for the start of the sales letter/VSL. Show that you understand exactly what the reader is going through – show empathy.
You could say: “if your anything like me…you have experienced…this problem”
2 – Make a huge promise…assuming you can keep that promise of course…making a massive promise puts you in a strong position to start with
3 – Ensure that your message is spot on, essentially it’s what they want to hear…
So many times I come across copy where the message is not what the market really wants to hear.
Make sure you absolutely nail this and the only way to do that is through an ample research process that must take place before a single word of copy is even written.
Research takes 90% of my work as a copywriter.
Writing the copy is the “easy” part, within air quotes, because the research is what dictates what the reader will respond to.
All right, those are the three tips.
If you’d hate to spend weeks researching on how to ensure your message is spot on, trying to figure out what your big promise which you can keep is or how to create a meaningful connection with your reader right away?
If you’d like a Pro to take care of all that hassle for you, feel free to contact me and let me know – this is what I do and enjoy doing.