There is one key thing to look at with your copy that can really help you sell way more if you get it right.
This is something I repeatedly see people do wrong with their copy and a leading cause behind poor conversions.
Here it is…
How believable is your sales message?
Would your best friend believe it?
Would your mother believe it?
If not, which as I’ve been saying, is actually the case with most sales copy these days.
It’s worth sitting down and spending some time toning down all the hype.
You want to make your selling more believable.
However, with that said, you will still want to be selling emotionally.
You still want to be going right into the heart of what your market really wants.
People will still make the purchasing decision with the emotional part of the brain.
But making outrageous claims that aren’t really believable or backed up with enough proper proof.
That will trigger the logical part of the reader’s brain in the form of suspicion.
And it’s a pity to lose your reader over such a simple concept as believability.
Cool, so next time you write a sales copy, sit down and pretend you’re writing to a close friend or a family member.
Give it a shot and experience the amazing results for yourself.
Alternatively, you can hire a Pro to do all the right things for you.