All right, so you’ve finally got a sales letter done, whether you wrote it or you got a copywriter to do it for you.
But there’s just one problem – it’s not selling.
People come to me all the time with sales letters that are not converting.
So, I want to provide you with some insights into why that could be the case.
To do that, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions which you want to seriously consider.
So, let’s start.
1) Is the market there?
I know, it seems obvious.
But so many people create a product first and only then, do they try to find someone to sell it to.
Very dangerous route to take.
Listen, even the best copywriter in the world will not be able to make people buy something they have no interest in.
2) Is the message right?
The second thing I would look at is whether you’re getting the message right for your market or not.
So many people do not spend the right amount of time figuring out what the market really wants.
And I perfectly understand why – it’s time consuming.
But creating a sales letter that doesn’t convert and having to redo your research always ends up being even more time consuming in the end.
You need to tell your market exactly what they want to hear.
Only when you do that can you succeed.
3) Is watching paint dry more entertaining than reading the sales copy?
Look, peoples’ attention spans have drastically gone down over the past years.
It’s fascinating how many sales letters actually fail to take this simple reality into account.
You absolutely need to ensure your readers are with you every step of the way.
Look at serious ways with which you can hold their attention.
Create curiosity.
Make big promises.
Bring their imagination into play.
These are some great ways to keep your reader attentive and excited about your product.
If you’d like my help with crafting high-converting sales copy, feel free to contact me and let me know.