Although open rates aren’t really as meaningful as sales figures.

Fact of the matter is, if you can’t get those emails opened – you’re not going to generate sales.

So, in this video I want to present you with a little trick I sometimes use to get people to open that email.

Before I jump into it, the reason why this works is because our brains are wired to always try to get completion.

Your brains don’t like when things are left open and hanging.

Think of a cliff hanger at the end of a TV show.

What this also does is it takes advantage of curiosity – a power trigger.

So, here’s what the email subject line could look like:

“The secret of making money when taking a nap is…whatever”

You’d want to have figured through your research that your market likes to take naps.

So, the way it works is that most people who like taking naps will completely snap at this one.

It will grab their attention and make them open your email up.

So, you could state: “The secret of making money when taking a nap is the S25 Trading Bot”.

By the way, people also love secrets.

So, putting two things together that act as kind of opposites.

Like in this case, taking a nap and making money.

Or to give you some more examples:

Eating bread and losing weight.

That can really have a positive psychological effect to get your email open rates up quickly.